Records of sea urchins species of genus Abatus in Antarctic and Subantarctic environments

Latest version published by Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE) on Sep 13, 2024 Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE)

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This database presents a compilation of records in four species of genus Abatus. Records are individualized by specimens and collected by projects of different countries and dates. Therefore, this work aims to unify these samples and records, providing a description of geographical distribution of these four species in different macrozones (southern Patagonia, Subantarctic islands and Antarctica).

Data Records

The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 30 records.

This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.


The table below shows only published versions of the resource that are publicly accessible.

How to cite

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

Moya F, Maturana C, Gerard K, Delleuze M, Díaz A, Cabrol L, Poulin E (2024). Records of sea urchins species of genus Abatus in Antarctic and Subantarctic environments. Version 1.1. Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE). Occurrence dataset.


Researchers should respect the following rights statement:

The publisher and rights holder of this work is Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 57d14cdb-47c9-49ac-99f9-d0796c8eec80.  Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE) publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF Chile.


Occurrence; Abatus; Antarctic; Echinoids; Marine invertebrates; Southern Ocean; Subantarctic; Specimen


Fernando Moya
  • Metadata Provider
  • Author
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
  • Master Student
University of Chile | Millenium Institute Biodiversity of Antarctic and Subantarctic Ecosystems (BASE)
  • Las Palmeras #3425, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile
Claudia Maturana
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
  • Postdoctoral researcher
Instituto Milenio de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE) | Centro Internacional Cabo de Hornos (CHIC)
  • Las Palmeras 3425
Karin Gerard
  • Originator
  • Associate researcher
Universidad de Magallanes | Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE)
  • Av. Pdte. Manuel Bulnes 01855
Punta Arenas
Angie Díaz
  • Originator
  • Assistant Proffesor
Universidad de Concepción
  • Barrio Universitario sn
Región del Biobío
Léa Cabrol
  • Originator
  • Researcher
French National Institute of Research for Sustainable Development (IRD) | Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO)
  • Avenue de Luminy
13009 Marseille
Melanie Delleuze
  • Originator
  • PhD student
University of Chile | Université libre de Bruxelles | Millenium Institute Biodiversity of Antarctic and Subantarctic Ecosystems (BASE)
  • Las Palmeras #3425, Ñuñoa
Elie Poulin
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
  • Principal Investigator
  • Professor
Universidad de Chile | Instituto Milenio de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE)
  • Las Palmeras 3425

Geographic Coverage

This work covers the records of Abatus species from Magellan Strait, Kerguelen Islands, Falklands/Malvinas Islands, South Shetlands Islands, and Antarctic Peninsula.

Bounding Coordinates South West [-64.876, -69.478], North East [-48.935, 70.219]

Taxonomic Coverage

This dataset groups four species of Abatus genus belonging to Spantagoida sea urchin family

Species Abatus agassizii (heart urchins), Abatus cavernosus (heart urchins), Abatus cordatus (heart urchins), Abatus curvidens (heart urchins)

Project Data

These projects seek to test biogeographic, ecological, genetic and morphological hypotheses in different species of Antarctic and Subantarctic irregular sea urchins of genus Abatus.

Title Consequences of brooding development and ecological specialization on the persistence of Abatus populations and species in a changing Southern Ocean
Identifier BASEATDB
Funding ANID-Programa Iniciativa Científica Milenio-ICN2021_002, FONDECYT Regular 1211672, IPEV project n°1044 PROTEKER, South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), Fondecyt Postdoctoral project 3100139, Fondecyt Regular 1161358.
Study Area Description The study area corresponds to shallow waters in the infralittoral zone of the Antarctic and Subantarctic environments
Design Description To collect the samples two methods were used: 1) manual collection in the infralittoral zone at low tide, and 2) SCUBA diving between 1 to 15 meters deep at high tide. After collection, each individual was preserved in ethanol 95%, the geographic coordinates were recorded using GPS, and the samples were transported onboard or to the research station. Species identification was performed in the laboratory and following the taxonomic key “Antarctic Echinoidea” ( Each sea urchin were observed and identified based on diagnostic morphological descriptors.

The personnel involved in the project:

Claudia Maturana
Elie Poulin

Sampling Methods

To collect the samples two methods were used: 1) manual collection inthe infralittoral zone at low tide, and 2) SCUBA diving between 1 to 15 meters deep at high tide. After collection, each individual was preserved in ethanol 95%, the geographic coordinates were recorder using GPS, and the samples were transported onboard or to the research station. Species identification was performed in the laboratory and following the taxonomic key “Antarctic Echinoidea” ( Each sea urchins were observed and identified based on diagnostic morphological descriptors.

Study Extent Samples were collected from Magellan Strait in southern South America. Samples from Kerguelen Islands were collected in the campaigns 1, 5, 8 and 9 of PROTEKER project. Samples from Malvinas Islands were collected during SAERI expedition. Antarctic material was collected from the South Shetlands Islands and Antarctic peninsula under the Antarctic Scientific Expeditions (ECA) 40, 42, 45, 47, 53, 56 and 60.
Quality Control Manual sampling was carried out at random points in the study area. In the other hand, the SCUBA diving sampling points were systematically established with a separation of 500 meters in the study area.

Method step description:

  1. The step-by-step methodology details of each project can be obtained from their respective researchers through the provided contact information (email).

Collection Data

Collection Name urn:BASE:LEM:Inv:Ech:Echi:Aba
Specimen preservation methods Alcohol
Curatorial Units Between 1 and 30 plastic bottles

Additional Metadata

This database will be linked to a datapaper publish in the topical collection “Antarctic and Southern Ocean biodiversity” in the open-access Pensoft “Biodiversity Data Journal”


This dataset was created within the framework of the master thesis of the first author and part of the main research of the principal investigator. The main objective of the data set is built a baseline of the geographic distribution as a complement of the research on the biogeography of Abatus that is currently being carried out in the Laboratorio de Ecología Molecular (LEM)

Maintenance Description The data set will be updated irregularly, and in relation to the authors' ability to collect and develop new relevant information.
Alternative Identifiers