This resource summarizes biodiversity information gathered through a series of expeditions organized by Costa Humboldt in Marine Coastal Areas of Indigenous People (MCAIPs, or ECMPOs in Spanish) in Chile since 2015. The purpose of this data series is to build a baseline of marine biodiversity in these marine protected areas in order to support the efforts that Indigenous Communities maintain to preserve their livelihoods through the protection of their coastal habitats and resources.
Data Records
The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 1,341 records.
This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.
The table below shows only published versions of the resource that are publicly accessible.
How to cite
Researchers should cite this work as follows:
Naretto J, Hiriart-Bertrand L, Naretto C (2020): Biodiversity catalog of Marine Coastal Areas of Indigenous People (MCAIPs / ECMPOs), Chile. v1.3. Costa Humboldt. Dataset/Occurrence.
Researchers should respect the following rights statement:
The publisher and rights holder of this work is Costa Humboldt. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.
GBIF Registration
This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 2d8cd725-c459-4139-a41a-5989b27ef293. Costa Humboldt publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF Chile.
MCAIP; ECMPO; Marine Protected Area; MPA; Community Conservation; Indigenous Communities; Occurrence; Observation
- Metadata Provider ●
- Originator ●
- Point Of Contact ●
- Principal Investigator
- Content Provider
- Originator ●
- Processor
- Content Provider
- Content Provider
- Content Provider
- Content Provider
- Content Provider
- Content Provider
Geographic Coverage
This resource comprises occurrences gathered in Marine Coastal areas of Indigenous People (MACAIPs) that are currently under the administration of Indigenous Communities. The geographic coverage of this resource will expand as biodiversity information is obtained in a greater number of MCAIPS.
Bounding Coordinates | South West [-45.398, -76.465], North East [-37.753, -70.664] |
Taxonomic Coverage
Because this resource is based on a baseline study of benthic species, it includes a broad spectrum of invertebrates and algae Phyla. Although the studies on which this resource is based report a greater number of records, this resource only presents observations of organism that were identified at genus or species level.
Phylum | Porifera, Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta, Ochrophyta, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Annelida, Chordata, Cnidaria |
Subphylum | Crustacea |
Class | Actinopterygii (Ray-finned fish), Asteroidea (Sea stars), Holothuroidea (Sea cucumbers), Echinoidea (Sea urchins), Gastropoda (Gastropods), Bivalvia (Bivalves), Polyplacophora (Chitons), Anthozoa, Florideophyceae, Ascidiacea, Phaeophyceae |
Temporal Coverage
Start Date / End Date | 2015-10-01 / 2019-08-31 |
Project Data
This resource summarizes biodiversity information associated to Marine Coastal Areas of Indigenous People (MCAIPs, or ECMPOs in Spanish) in Chile gathered through a series of expeditions organized by Costa Humboldt since 2015. The purpose of this data series is to build a baseline of marine biodiversity in these marine protected areas in order to support the efforts that Indigenous Communities maintain to preserve their livelihoods through the protection of their coastal habitats and resources. This resource includes a series of observations (1,400 records) of invertebrates and algae gathered in different expeditions and sampling campaigns in 4 Marine Coastal Areas of Indigenous People (MCAIPs) in Chile: Mahui Dantu, Bahía San Pedro, Manquemapu, Caulin. The data gathered in this dataset were mostly identified in situ by marine biologists, and photographs are presented in case this support is available
Title | MCAIP Biodiversity Catalog |
Identifier | CH_biodiversity_baselines |
Funding | The data presented in this resource has been collected within the framework of different projects partially funded and supported by: Costa Humboldt; Walton Family Fund; Corporación Nacional de Desarrollo Indígena; Marisla Foundation; The Rufford Foundation Resource Legacy Fund. |
Study Area Description | The MCAIP of Manquemapu (MM), Bahia San Pedro (BSP), Mahui Dantu (MD) and Caulin (CL) are located in the X Region of the Lake, Chile. They correspond to coastal areas of temperate climate where it is possible to observe macroalgae forests that provide a support for a large number of species. In general, the records of this resource correspond to observations made on shallow rocky bottoms (0 to -25 m). In the particular case of the MCAIP of the Purranque commune (MM, MD and BSP) they are characterized by a rugged geography with a large number of cliffs that define the coast. In a biogeographic sense, this area represents a transition zone between two oceanic provinces: a warm temperate region in the north (subtropical) and a cold temperate region in the south (sub-Antarctic). In the case of Caulin (Isla Grande de Chiloe), the sector is characterized by strong currents from the Chacao Canal and the extensive supply of fresh water provided by the rivers and fjords of the Chiloe inland sea.In the particular case of the MCAIP of the Purranque commune (MM, MD and BSP) they are characterized by a rugged geography with a large number of cliffs that define the coast. In a biogeographic sense, this area represents a transition zone between two oceanic provinces: a warm temperate region in the north (subtropical) and a cold temperate region in the south (sub-Antarctic). |
Design Description | The monitoring campaigns and sampling expeditions under which the information of this dataset was generated is intended to make a basic compilation of the biodiversity of the MCAIPs in Chile. In the development of these samples and monitoring campaigns, different methodological strategies were implemented considering the wide taxonomic range. Underwater transects and quadrants can be highlighted as the main sampling approximation. The researchers expect to incorporate a list of species based on the bibliographical review of scientific studies in the are in future versions of the resource. |
The personnel involved in the project:
- Editor
- Processor
- Metadata Provider
- Metadata Provider
- Metadata Provider
- Metadata Provider
Sampling Methods
The records were obtained based on underwater sampling conducted by a marine biologist diver. Two methodological approaches were used, the first based on the use of an underwater transect, and the second based on the use of an underwater quadrant. The dimensions of each sampling unit are presented in the metadata for each record, as well as the organism density observed in the sampled area. The construction of this resource was carried out considering only the observations with a resolution at genus or species level. Functional groups or groups with higher taxonomic complexity were excluded. In the case that there was photographic support of the observations, these photographs were included as metadata. Additionally, records of species observed outside the sampling unit are included without information their abundance.
Study Extent | The data set incorporates 1,400 records made in 4 MCAIPs in southern Chile (Manquemapu, Bahia San Pedro, Mahui Dantu and Caulin), with representatives of 10 phyla of invertebrates or algae divisions. All observations were made between August 2016 and October 2019. The authors hope to incorporate new records obtained from other MCAIPs and based on literature review in future versions. |
Quality Control | During the field campaigns, the specimens observed were identified in situ at the lowest possible taxonomic level. These observations were subsequently compared to confirm that the observations were within the ranges of distribution described in literature for each particular species. Additionally, a revision of synonyms was carried out to maintain the most up-to-date nomenclature of each registry based on the information available in World Register of Marine Species using its web service tools. For the creation of this data set, a selection of the records was made with a level of resolution at the level of genus or species, excluding the observations made as functional groups (I.e. Coralline algae crust or algae of the Order Ceramiales) or where identification at the genus or species level would require specialized taxonomists. |
Method step description:
- Field sampling: During each sampling campaign the dives were carried out with the support of a fishing vessel, georeferentiation of the stations was carried out with a Garmin GPS device. In each station an underwater transect was deployed, or the evaluation was carried out by underwater quadrants (with pseudo-replicas). The sampling unit varies depending on the taxonomic group to be evaluated.
- Identification of the specimens: it was carried out by the team of marine biologists in the field.
- Post process of the records: the records were migrated to an internal database, from which the records that met the minimum quality criteria were selected to be incorporated into this resource. In the event that there were photographs of the record, these were added as metadata.
Collection Data
Collection Name | Base de datos de evaluación directa, Costa Humboldt |
Collection Identifier | CH_ECMPO_EVADIR |
Parent Collection Identifier | CH_ECMPO |
Collection Name | Base de datos de linea base, Costa Humboldt |
Collection Identifier | CH_ECMPO_LBA |
Parent Collection Identifier | CH_ECMPO |
Collection Name | Collección fotográfica, Costa Humboldt |
Collection Identifier | CH_ECMPO_PH |
Parent Collection Identifier | CH_ECMPO |
Bibliographic Citations
- Costa Humboldt 2017, Plan de Manejo y Uso Sustentable de Recursos Bentonicos del ECMPO Mahui Dantu.
- Costa Humboldt 2017, Plan de Manejo y Uso Sustentable de Recursos Bentonicos del ECMPO Manquemapu.
- Costa Humboldt 2017, Plan de Manejo y Uso Sustentable de Recursos Bentonicos del ECMPO Bahia San Pedro.
- Costa Humboldt 2019, Plan de Manejo y Uso Sustentable de Recursos Bentonicos del ECMPO Caulin.
Additional Metadata
This data set only contains part of the biodiversity information recorded in the sampling campaigns. A bias in the representation of the different phyla that incorporates this resource is recognized. This is particularly important for groups of greater taxonomic complexity, such as representatives of the Phyla Porifera, Annelida and the class Asciidiacea.
Purpose | This resource is created with the purpose of giving public access to the biodiversity information of different MCAIPs in the country. Expanding the information of records in areas where biological diversity information is usually underrepresented. |
Maintenance Description | New versions will be updated irregularly depending on the generation of new occurrence information or an extension of geographic coverage |
Alternative Identifiers | 2d8cd725-c459-4139-a41a-5989b27ef293 | |