The present dataset is a compilation of georeferenced occurrences of the littorinid genus Laevilacunaria (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the Southern Ocean. Occurrence data were obtained from field samplings (Antarctic and sub-Antarctic expeditions) between 2015 and 2022 together with a revision of published literature including records from 1890 to 2022. A total of three Laevilacunaria species have been recorded across the Southern Ocean; Laevilacunaria bennetti, Laevilacunaria antarctica and Laevilacunaria pumilio. The present dataset reaches a total of 70 occurrences, representing the most exhaustive occurrence database of this Antarctic and sub-Antarctic littorinid genus.
Data Records
The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 75 records.
This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.
The table below shows only published versions of the resource that are publicly accessible.
How to cite
Researchers should cite this work as follows:
Schmider Martínez A, Maturana C, Rosenfeld S, Poveda Y, López Farrán Z, Gerard K, Saucède T, Morin V, González Wevar C (2023). Review of the genus Laevilacunaria across its distribution in the Southern Ocean. Version 1.3. Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE). Occurrence dataset.
Researchers should respect the following rights statement:
The publisher and rights holder of this work is Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.
GBIF Registration
This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: c70094e2-7607-42da-8fb2-76669ac5c1ac. Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE) publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF Chile.
Occurrence; Specimen; Antarctica; Laevilacunaria; sub-Antarctic Islands; Specimen; Kerguelen Archipelago
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- Principal Investigator
- Author
Geographic Coverage
The dataset comprises the distribution of the genus Laevilacunaria in the Southern Oceanincluding the Antarctic Peninsula with its archipelagos (Margarita Bay, Isabel Riquelme Island), the South Shetland Islands (Greenwich Island, King George Island, Livingstone Island, RobertIsland, Deception Island, Doumar Island), and the sub-Antarctic Islands of Kerguelen, Crozet,South Georgia Island and Trinity Island. The southern point of sampling is Margarita Bay, thenorthern end of the geo
Bounding Coordinates | South West [-70, -73], North East [-54, 70] |
Taxonomic Coverage
The database presents the distribution of the species Laevilacunaria antarctica, L. bennetti, and L. pumilio.
Genus | Laevilacunaria |
Species | Laevilacunaria antarctica, Laevilacunaria bennetti, Laevilacunaria pumilio |
Temporal Coverage
Start Date / End Date | 1883-03-01 / 2022-02-08 |
Project Data
This project seeks to provide information on the distribution of three species of Laevilacunaria (L.antarctica, L. bennetti and L. pumilio). This database is the result of scientific literature records and sampling efforts from different international and national initiatives. With this data, we aim to increase our knowledge of the genus in terms of the distribution and history of the littorinids across the Southern Ocean.
Title | Antarctic and sub-Antarctic littorinids database. |
Identifier | LAGEMA_01 |
Funding | Regular FONDECYT 1210787 Project, Initiation FONDECYT 11140087project, Millennium Institute Biodiversity of Antarctic and SubantarcticEcosystems (Mi-BASE) - Instituto Milenio ICN2021_002, ProjectGenomic Antarctic Biodiversity (GAB) - PIA CONICYT ACT172065,Research Center Dynamics of High Latitude Marine Ecosystems -Fondap-IDEAL 15150003, Postdoc FONDECYT 3210063, INACHDG_10-22 and Regular INACH RG_18-17 project. |
Study Area Description | This dataset includes geographical areas of sampling throughout the South Shetland Islands (Greenwich Island, King George Island, Livingstone Island, Robert Island, Deception Island, Doumer Island), the west part of the Antarctic Peninsula (Margarita Bay, Isabel Riquelme Island), and South Georgia (Trinity Island South Georgia Island). Additionally, we included the areas described in the literature (Signy Island, Anvers Island, Archipelagos of Palmer, Elephant Island, Archipelagos of Melchior, and Vestfold Hills). |
Design Description | This project will underpin future comprehensive biogeographic processes in the different species of Laevilacunaria, including the use of phylogeographic approaches to evaluate the impact of historical climate changes in the Southern Ocean macro-zones. Additionally, this database will serve as a baseline for further morphological and morphometric analyses in the genus. |
The personnel involved in the project:
- Author
Sampling Methods
The sampling took place in different localities by hand and was carried out by national and international researchers. The sampling methodology presents variations related to the field team, the particular conditions of weather, and each collecting place. Samples were taken directly from different substrates in which Laevilacunaria habitat (rocks, algae, or sediments) within the intertidal and subtidal. All samples were immediately preserved in ethanol (95%). Georeferences positions were recorded using GPS in each sampling location.
Study Extent | The database includes all samples collected by several Chilean and British expeditions between 2017 and 2022 in several locations across the South Shetland Islands (Greenwich Island, King George Island, Livingstone Island, Robert Island, Deception Island, Doumar Island,), west part of the Antarctic Peninsula (Margarita Bay, Isabel Riquelme Island) and South Georgia (Trinity Island South Georgia Island). Additionally, we added specimens collected during French Expedition under the IPEV expedition in 2021. Finally, we include published literature records from Signy Island, Anvers Island, Archipelagos of Palmer, Elephant Island, Archipelagos of Melchior, and the Vestfold Hills |
Quality Control | Records lacking precise geographic location (coordinates) were assigned georeferences by identification from the description (e.g. bay names, research stations) of the reported collection locality included in the relevant metadata. |
Method step description:
- Samples were taken from rocks, macroalgae and sediments within the intertidal and subtidalzone.
- All samples were immediately preserved in ethanol (95%).
- Georeferences positionswere recorded using GPS in each sampling location.
Collection Data
Collection Name | Coleccion de Invertebrados del Laboratorio de Genómica y Ecologia Molecular de la Universidad Austral de Chile |
Collection Identifier | urn:UACh:LAGEMAS:Inv:Mol |
Parent Collection Identifier | LAGEMAS |
Specimen preservation methods | Alcohol |
Curatorial Units | Between 1 and 2 plastic flask |
Bibliographic Citations
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- Simone, L. R. L. (2018). Convergence with naticids: phenotypic phylogenetic study on some Antarctic littorinoideans, with description of the zerotulid new genus Pseudonatica, and its presence in Brazil (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda). Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 98(6), 1365-1381.doi:10.1017/S002531541700025X https://doi:10.1017/S002531541700025X
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Additional Metadata
This database will be linked to a datapaper publish in the topical collection “Antarctic and Southern Ocean biodiversity” in the open-access Pensoft “Biodiversity Data Journal”
Purpose | This dataset was created within the framework of the undergraduate thesis of the first author and part of the main research of the principal investigator. The main objective of the data set is built a baseline of the geographic distribution as a complement of the research on the biogeography of litorinids that is currently being carried out in the Laboratorio de Genomica y Ecología Molecular Antártica y Subantártica. |
Maintenance Description | The data set will be updated irregularly, and in relation to the authors' ability to collect and develop new relevant information. |
Alternative Identifiers | c70094e2-7607-42da-8fb2-76669ac5c1ac | |