Records of Halicarcinus planatus at sub-Antarctic regions

Latest version published by Universidad de Magallanes on Feb 25, 2021 Universidad de Magallanes
Publication date:
25 February 2021
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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This database is the result of a combination of international collaboration efforts to collect specimens of Halicarcinus planatus through its geographical distribution in the Southern Ocean and bibliographic reviews. There are 4 types of records: (1) individualized by specimen, comprising more than 1,150 animals corresponding to nominal species of Halicarcinus planatus in South America and Kerguelen Islands, (2) groups of specimens of H. planatus collected and stored, (3) records obtained by bibliographic reviews, and (4) more than 50 absence records of H. planatus. The purpose of this resource is to complement molecular, taxonomic, biogeographic and niche-modelling studies that are being carried out based on these specimens.

Data Records

The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 1,536 records.

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How to cite

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

López-Farrán Z, Gerard K, Saucède T, Brickle P, Waters J, González-Wevar C, Naretto J, Poulin E (2021): Records of Halicarcinus planatus at sub-Antarctic regions. v1.3. Universidad de Magallanes. Dataset/Occurrence.


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The publisher and rights holder of this work is Universidad de Magallanes. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 75a6f6f1-de60-4ec6-8830-2766719231e7.  Universidad de Magallanes publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF Chile.


Occurrence; Observation; Specimen; Southern Ocean; Crab; Reptant crab; Halicarcinus planatus; Niche; Biogeography; sub-Antarctic islands; Patagonia; Occurrence


Zambra López-Farrán
  • Metadata Provider
  • Point Of Contact
PhD student
Universidad de Chile
Las Palmeras 3425
Karin Gerard
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
  • Principal Investigator
Associate Professor
Universidad de Magallanes
Avenida Bulnes 01890
Punta Arenas
Thomas Saucède
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
Associate Professor
Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté
Paul Brickle
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
Executive Director
South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute
+500 27374
Jonathan Waters
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
University of Otago
340 Great King Street
Claudio González-Wevar
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
Associate Professor
Universidad Austral de Chile
Javier Naretto
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
Director of research
Costa Humboldt
Elie Poulin
  • Metadata Provider
  • Author
  • Originator
Universidad de Chile - Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity
Las Palmeras 3425
+ 56229787178
Zambra López-Farrán
  • Metadata Provider
  • Point Of Contact
PhD Student
Universidad de Chile
Las Palmeras 3425
7800003 Santiago
Sebastian Rosenfeld
  • Metadata Provider
Associate Researcher
Universidad de Magallanes
Avenida Bulnes 01890
Punta Arenas
Jaime Ojeda
  • Metadata Provider
Assistant Professor
Universidad de Magallanes
Avenida Bulnes 01890
Punta Arenas
Constanza Ceroni
  • Metadata Provider
Magister student
Universidad de Magallanes
Avenida Bulnes 01890
Punta Arenas

Geographic Coverage

The dataset comprises presence and absence records of Halicarcinus planatus from three macro-geographic regions of the Southern Ocean: southern South America (Pacific and Atlantic coast of Patagonia and Falkland Islands), sub-Antarctic islands (South Georgia, Kerguelen Islands, Campbell Island, Bounty Island and Auckland Island), and Antarctica (Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent islands including Signy Island). The northern boundary of the geographic coverage in South America is located in Talcahuano, while the southern limit of the sampling range corresponds to Carvajal Base on Adelaide Island, Antarctica.

Bounding Coordinates South West [-68, -76], North East [-36, 180]

Taxonomic Coverage

Present dataset reports occurrences and absences, of Halicarcinus planatus at species level, and some individuals of H. cooki and H. quoyi. Other species from the genus were intentionally excluded.

Species Halicarcinus planatus, Halicarcinus cooki, Halicarcinus quoyi

Temporal Coverage

Start Date / End Date 1948-11-01 / 2019-04-01

Project Data

This project seeks to evaluate the level of genetic diversity of Halicarcinus planatus along its subantarctic distribution, determinate the phylogeographic structure as well as the existence and number of evolutionary units. To determine the geographic scale at which the genetic differentiation operates and the connectivity pattern between remote populations. This will allow to evaluate the ability of H. planatus to invade the Antarctic Peninsula by dispersal way. Finally, to make an appraisal of the presence of H. planatus in the West Antarctic. Under this framework, this resource focuses on understanding past, present and future processes, through molecular tools, niche models and Lagrangian models. The potential niche of H. planatus permits to estimate its present and future southward boundaries under IPCC predictions (to test if in the future it is able to arrive and establish in Antarctica), Lagrangian models will permit to obtain information about its larval dispersion, and molecular tools to obtain information about Quaternary glacial processes, among others. To obtain the base information, we updated data existing (from GBIF) adding presences and absences data from undocumented places of South America, South Georgia Island, Kerguelen Island and Antarctica through sampling and bibliographic reviews.

Title Phylogeography, population genetic structure and connectivity of the Subantarctic crab Halicarcinus planatus, the first alien marine invertebrate discovered in Antarctica
Identifier LEMAS_F1161358_Hap
Funding FONDECYT 1161358; FONDECYT 1151336; INACh DG 14-17; Conicyt Ph.D. Grant 21151192; PIA CONICYT ACT172065 (GAB); INACH DT-04_16; Projects: IPEV Nº 1044 (Proteker).
Study Area Description This project covers different geographical areas of the Subarctic region: South America (Patagonia and Falkland Island), Subantarctic Islands (Kerguelen Island, South Georgia Island, Marion Island) and New Zealand; and the Antarctic Peninsula: South Shetland Islands, Signy Island and Paulet Island.
Design Description This project will underpin the current and future niche modeling, to evaluate if this species is able to establish in West Antarctica Peninsula in the present or future. Additionally, this project will assess the molecular phylogeny of the genus, which will allow the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of the genus. It will support research on phylogeographic approaches on the species, including dispersal capacity and their past and present interactions throughout different geographical scale. Through traditional and genomic molecular tools, we intend to deliver insights regarding the environmental and oceanographic processes that have marked its development in Subantarctica.

The personnel involved in the project:

Sampling Methods

Due to the fact that the sampling was carried out by various/independent groups of researchers, the sampling methodology presents variations related to field team and the particular conditions of each collection site. With this in mind, we can generalize the sampling protocol as described in "Methods steps description-1". The bibliographic review was realized as described in "Methods steps description-2".

Study Extent This dataset gathers several sampling efforts made between 2011 and 2019 in different locations from West South America at latitudes beyond 39°S, Falkland Islands and Kerguelen Islands. In addition, a sampling effort for specimens of Halicarcinus planatus was made in the west side of Antarctic Peninsula (i.e. Doumer Island and Margarite Bay) and the South Shetland Islands (i.e. King George, Penguin, Deception, Robert and Greenwich Islands), Weddell Sea (in Paulet Island) and the Scotia Arch Islands (Signy and South Georgia Islands), because of a record of a single ovigerous female of H. planatus in Deception Island in 2010. Additionally, a bibliographic review was made to include localities from Patagonia (Chile and Argentina).
Quality Control Records lacking precise geographic location (coordinates) were assigned geo-references by identification from the description (e.g. bay names, research stations) of the reported collection locality included in the relevant metadata.

Method step description:

  1. Field sampling: Animals were collected by hand in intertidal pools during low tide periods and by SCUBA diving between 0 and 32 meters deep. After collection, live animals were anesthetized and preserved in ethanol 95%. GPS positions were recorded for each sample location.
  2. In the ISI web information was looked for "Halicarcinus" and "Halicarcinus planatus". Papers and books were found, from these, locality, date, coordinates, expedition, depth, state of development and individual count data were extracted to obtain a occurrence status by locality and date. Data previously published in GBIF was not considered.

Collection Data

Collection Name Coleccion de Invertebrados del Laboratorio de Ecosistema Marinos Antarticos y Subantarticos de la Universidad de Magallanes
Collection Identifier UMAG:LEMAS:Inv:Crus
Parent Collection Identifier LEMAS
Specimen preservation methods Alcohol
Curatorial Units Count 300 +/- 100 Plastic flask

Bibliographic Citations

  1. Arntz, W. E., Gorny, M., Soto, R., Lardies, M. A., Retamal, M., & Wehrtmann, I. S. (1999). Species composition and distribution of decapod crustaceans in the waters off Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, South America *. Scientia Marina, 63(1), 303–314.
  2. Aronson, R. B., Frederich, M., Price, R., & Thatje, S. (2015). Prospects for the return of shell-crushing crabs to Antarctica. Journal of Biogeography, 42(1), 1–7.
  3. Boschi, E. E., Scelzo, M. A., & Goldstein, B. (1969). Desarrollo larval del cangrejo, Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Hymenosomidae), en el laboratorio, con observaciones sobre la distribución de la especie. Bulletin of Marine Science, 19(1), 225–242.
  4. Ceseña, F., Meyer, R., Mergl, C. P., Häussermann, V., Försterra, G., McConnell, K., & Melzer, R. R. (2016). Decapoda of the Huinay Fiordos-expeditions to the Chilean fjords 2005-2014: Inventory, pictorial atlas and faunistic remarks (Crustacea, Malacostraca). Spixiana, 39(2), 153–198.
  5. Diez, M. J., & Lovrich, G. A. (2010). Reproductive biology of the crab Halicarcinus planatus (Brachyura, Hymenosomatidae) in sub-Antarctic waters. Polar Biology, 33(3), 389–401.
  6. Diez, M., Florentín, O., & Lovrich, G. (2011). Distribución y estructura poblacional del cangrejo Halicarcinus planatus (Brachyura, Hymenosomatidae) en el Canal Beagle, Tierra del Fuego. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, 46, 141–155.
  7. Diez, M. J., Spivak, E. D., Anger, K., & Lovrich, G. A. (2012). Seasonal variations in size, biomass, and elemental composition (CHN) of Halicarcinus planatus (Brachyura: Hymenosomatidae) larvae from the Beagle Channel, Southern South America. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 32(4), 575–581.
  8. Diez, M. J., & Lovrich, G. A. (2013). Moult cycle and growth of the crab Halicarcinus planatus (Brachyura, Hymenosomatidae) in the Beagle Channel, southern tip of South America. Helgoland Marine Research, 67(3), 555–566.
  9. Ferrari, L., Gil, D. G., & Vinuesa, J. H. (2011). Breeding and fecundity of the sub-Antarctic crab Halicarcinus planatus (Crustacea: Hymenosomatidae) in the Deseado River estuary, Argentina. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 91(5), 1023–1029.
  10. Garth, J. S., Haig, J., & Yaldwyn, J. C. (1967). The Decapod Crustacea of the Royal Society Expedition to Southern Chile, 1958-59*. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand: Zoology, 8(16), 169–186.
  11. Garth, J. S. (1957). The Crustacea Decapoda Brachyura of Chile. Reports of The Lund University Chile Expedition 1948-49, 53(7), 1–127.
  12. Hinojosa, I., Macaya, E., Pino, O., & Thiel, M. (2008). Algas flotando a la deriva en la zona central de fiordos patagónicos - abundancia, fauna asociada (peracáridos y decápodos) y conectividad. CONA, C14F: 08-14
  13. Mujica, A. Composición y distribución de larvas de crustáceos decápodos planctónicos entre el Golfo Reloncaví y Golfo Corcovado (X Región) y su relación con condiciones oceanográficas. Disponible en
  14. Mujica, A., & Nava, M. L. (2010). Distribución espacial de larvas de crustáceos decápodos planctónicos en canales orientales de la isla Chiloé, Chile. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 38(1), 95–106.
  15. Mujica, A., & Pereira, F. (2009) Larvas de crustáceos decápodos de los fiordos australes de Chile ( 41°30´S 55°50'S ). Ediciones Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, 298 pp.
  16. Mutschke, E., & Gorny, M. (1999). The benthic decapod fauna in the channels and fjords along the South Patagonian Icefield, Southern Chile. Scientia Marina, 63(SUPPL.), 315–319.
  17. Poore, G. C. B., Guinot, D., Komai, T., & Naruse, T. (2016). Reappraisal of species attributed to Halicarcinus White, 1846 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Hymenosomatidae) with diagnosis of four new genera and one new species from New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. Zootaxa, 4093(4), 480–514.
  18. Retamal, M. A. (2007). Nota sobre la Biodiversidad Carcinologica (Decapoda y Stomatopoda) en los Fiordos Occidentales entre el Guafo y estero Elefantes. Ciencia y Tecnología del Mar, 30 (1). Disponible en:
  19. Retamal, M. A., & Gorny, M. (2001). Decápodos de los Fiordos de Chile (CIMAR-Fiordo 3). Ciencia y Tecnología del Mar, 24, 91.97.
  20. Ríos, C., Mutschke, E., Montiel, A., Gerdes, D., & Arntz, W. E. (2005). Soft-bottom macrobenthic faunal associations in the southern Chilean glacial fjord complex. Scientia Marina, 69(SUPPL. 2), 225–236.
  21. Thatje, S., Schnack-Schiel, S., & Arntz, W. E. (2003). Developmental trade-offs in Subantarctic meroplankton communities and the enigma of low decapod diversity in high southern latitudes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 260, 195–207.
  22. Féral, J. P. (2011). PROTEKER 1: Impact du changement global sur le benthos et les habitats marins des Iles Kerguelen. Établissement d'une ligne de base pour le suivi écologique et génétique, la protection et la conservation. Programme IPEV n°1044. Rapport de la campagne d’été 2011-2012.
  23. Saucède, T. (2015) PROTEKER 4: Impact du changement global sur le benthos et les habitats marins des Iles Kerguelen. Établissement d'une ligne de base pour le suivi écologique et génétique, la protection et la conservation. Programme IPEV n°1044. Rapport de la campagne d’été 2015-2016. Available in
  24. Saucède, T. (2016) PROTEKER 5: Impact du changement global sur le benthos et les habitats marins des Iles Kerguelen. Établissement d'une ligne de base pour le suivi écologique et génétique, la protection et la conservation. Programme IPEV n°1044. Rapport de la campagne d’été 2016-2017. Available in
  25. Saucède, T. (2017) PROTEKER 6: Impact du changement global sur le benthos et les habitats marins des Iles Kerguelen. Établissement d'une ligne de base pour le suivi écologique et génétique, la protection et la conservation. Programme IPEV n°1044. Rapport de la campagne d’été 2017-2018. Available in
  26. Varisco, M., Colombo, J., Isola, T., & Vinuesa, J. (2016). Growth and maturity of the spider crab Halicarcinus planatus (Brachyura: Hymenosomatidae) females in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Can these parameters be influenced by the population sex ratio? Marine Biology Research, 12(6), 647–655.
  27. Vinuesa J H; Ferrari, L. (2008). Postlarval development of Halicarcinus planatus females (Crustacea: Decapoda: Hymenosomatidae) in the estuary of the Deseado River, Argentina. Scientia Marina, 72(1), 127–132.
  28. Vinuesa, J. H., & Ferrari, L. (2008). Reproduction of Halicarcinus planatus (Crustacea, Decapoda, Hymenosomatidae) in the Deseado River estuary, southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biology, 154(2), 345–351.
  29. Vinuesa, J. H., Varisco, M., & Escriche, F. (2011). Settlement and recruitment of the crab Halicarcinus planatus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Hymenosomatidae) in Golfo San Jorge, Argentina. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 91(3), 685–690.

Additional Metadata

In this work we made a mix between sampling and bibliographic reviews. The last was realized principally from papers and books from Argentina and Chile. While with the samplings, presences and absences of H. planatus data were obtained to niche modeling. In this second version, we add H. planatus individuals from Bounty, Auckland and Campbell Islands and H. cooki and H. quoyi species present in Chatham island (colaboration with Jonathan Waters), in addition were added some presences in south of Chile from CIMAR_FIORDOS_10 sampling and absences in south of Chile and Antarctica.

Purpose This dataset was created within the framework of the doctoral thesis of Zambra López-Farrán (author) and the FONDECYT 1161358 project of the principal investigator. The main objective of the data set is to complement the research on the niche modelling of Halicarcinus planatus that is currently being carried out in the Antarctic and Subantarctic Marine Ecosystem Laboratory of Universidad de Magallanes to contribute to the general knowledge of the biogeography of the fauna of the Subantarctic region. And subsequently, of biogeographic patterns along the Subantarctic region.
Maintenance Description The resource will be updated irregularly, and in relation to the authors' ability to collect and develop new relevant information.
Alternative Identifiers 75a6f6f1-de60-4ec6-8830-2766719231e7