Distribution and Occurrences of Laevilitorina across the Southern Hemisphere

Latest version published by Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE) on Oct 11, 2022 Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE)

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Littorinids are present in most of the coastal areas in the world, playing a significant role in the ecology of intertidal communities. Laevilitorina is a marine gastropodos genus distributed exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere, with 21 species reported at South America, sub-Antarctic Islands, Antarctic, New Zealand, Tasmania and Australia. We present an updated database of these 21 species of Laevilitorina generated from a combination of four sources: 1) new field sampling data and 2) published records, 3) Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), and 4) Atlas of Living Australia (ALA); to provide a comprehensive description of the geographic distribution of the genus through its distribution.

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How to cite

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

Rosenfeld S, Maturana C, González Wevar C, Poulin E (2022): Distribution and Occurrences of Laevilitorina across the Southern Hemisphere. v1.4. Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE). Dataset/Occurrence. BASE LEM_001


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The publisher and rights holder of this work is Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: cd023c5e-8729-41b2-b9df-1419289c0e40.  Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE) publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF Chile.


Southern Ocean; Littorinidae; Sub-Antarctic Islands; Magellanic Province; Gastropoda; Occurrence; Specimen; Occurrence


Sebastian Rosenfeld
  • Metadata Provider
  • Author
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
  • PhD student
Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE)
  • Las Palmeras 3425
7800003 Santiago
Claudia Maturana
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
  • Researcher
Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity | Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE)
  • Las Palmeras 3425
7800003 Santiago
Claudio González Wevar
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Assistant Researcher
Universidad Austral | Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE)
  • Independencia 631
de Los Ríos
Elie Poulin
  • Author
  • Assistant Researcher
Universidad de Chile | Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE) | Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad (IEB)
  • Las Palmeras 3425
Karin Gérard
  • Metadata Provider
  • Associate researcher
Universidad de Magallanes | Instituto de Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (BASE)
  • Av. Pdte. Manuel Bulnes 01855
Punta Arenas
Javier Naretto
  • Metadata Provider
  • Director of Research
Costa Humboldt
Jaime Ojeda
  • Metadata Provider
  • PhD student
Universidad de Magallanes
Zambra Lopez
  • Metadata Provider
  • Researcher
Universidad de Chile
  • Las Palmeras 3425
Paul Brickle
  • Metadata Provider
  • Executive Director
South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI)
Falkland Islands
Thomas Saucède
  • Metadata Provider
  • Associate Professor
Université de Bourgogne
Sebastián Kraft
  • Metadata Provider
  • PhD Student
Universidade do Algarve
Cristian Aldea
  • Metadata Provider
  • Profesor Asociado
Universidad de Magallanes
Punta Arenas
Region de Magallanes
Claudio Gonzalez-Wevar
  • Principal Investigator
  • Professor
Universidad Austral de Chile | Instituto de Biodiversidad Antártica y Subantártica (BASE)
Elie Poulin
  • Author
  • Professor
Universidad de Chile | Instituto de Biodiversidad Antártica y Subantártica (BASE)
  • Las Palmeras 3425

Geographic Coverage

Ten main marine biogeographical provinces in the Southern Hemisphere were considered for the purpose of geospatial analyses, the Magellan province, Antarctic West, Antarctic, East Antarctica, Sub-antarctic islands South Indian Ocean, Sub-antarctic Macquarie, Sub-antarctic New Zealand, Southern New Zealand, Northern New Zealand, West Central Australian Shelf, East Central Australian Shelf, Southeast Australian Shelf and Southwest Australian Shelf as defined in the Marine Ecoregions of the World and the Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean (Spalding et al. 2007; Koubi et al. 2014) . All spatial analysis were carried out on the unified database.

Bounding Coordinates South West [-80, -80], North East [-30, 180]

Taxonomic Coverage

From the sampling carried out at the different sampling sites, morphological observations were performed under an OLYMPUS stereomicroscope CX31. For determination to species level, individuals were identified according to taxonomic revisions by Martens & Pfeffer (1886), Suter (1913), Powell (1951), Powell (1955), Dell (1964), Arnaud & Bandel (1976), Waren & Hain (1996), and Zelaya (2005).

Species Laevilitorina alta, Laevilitorina antarctica, Laevilitorina antipodum, Laevilitorina auckandica, Laevilitorina bifasciata, Laevilitorina bruniensis, Laevilitorina caliginosa, Laevilitorina claviformis, Laevilitorina delli, Laevilitorina granum, Laevilitorina hamiltoni, Laevilitorina heardensis, Laevilitorina johnstoni, Laevilitorina kingensis, Laevilitorina latior, Laevilitorina macphersonae, Laevilitorina mariae, Laevilitorina pygmaea, Laevilitorina umbilicata, Laevilitorina venusta, Laevilitorina wandelensis

Temporal Coverage

Start Date / End Date 2010-11-11 / 2022-04-07

Project Data

The present study provides a state of knowledge of the genus and a revised database of the 21 Laevilitorina species, using a combination of recent sampling data and published records available in the literature. In addition, available information from GBIF was used to provide a more complete record of the geographical range of the genus throughout its distribution. This database will serve as a basis for future comprehensive systematic research of the genus, including molecular phylogenetic approaches to infer the regional evolutionary history of the genus.

Title Biogeography of Antarctic and Southern Ocean fauna
Identifier BASE LEM_001
Funding Millennium Science Initiative Program – ICN2021_002, Initiation FONDECYT 11140087; FONDECYT 1110875; FONDECYT 3210063; FONDECYT 1161358; IPEV program PROTEKER No. 1044; ANID/BASAL FB210018
Study Area Description This project covers the different geographical areas of the Southern Ocean: South America (Patagonia and Falkland Island), Antarctica (Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland Islands), Scotia Arch (South Georgia and Signy Island), and sub-Antarctic islands (Kerguelen and Crozet Islands). Although this resource focuses on Laevilitorina species, the research project has a broader scope, including representatives of the Crustacea, Echinodermata and other molluscan species.
Design Description This project will underpin future comprehensive biogeographic processes in different species, including the use of phylogeographic approaches to evaluate the impact of the Quaternary glacial cycles in each of the analyzed Southern Ocean macro-zones.

The personnel involved in the project:

Sebastian Rosenfeld
Claudia Maturana
Claudio Gonzalez-Wevar

Sampling Methods

The samples were obtained by two methods: 1) manual collection in the intertidal zone were each litorinids were individually sampled and, 2) scuba diving between 1 and 15 m depth, were the substrate (e.g. sediments, macroalgae) were collected. The rocks were subsequently scraped to ensure that all the species and specimens were collected. Also each macroalgal sample was placed in a plastic bag. Geographic positions were recorded using GPS for each sample location. In the laboratory, each sample was gently stirred to detach the associated fauna. All Laevilitorina samples were immediately preserved in ethanol (95%).

Study Extent New material was collected from multiple locations in southern South America be-tween The Strait of Magellan (coordinates) and the Diego Ramirez archipelago (56°31.345'S; 68°43.622'W). In the Falkland/Malvinas Islands we collected from the intertidal of Hooker Point (coordinates). New Antarctic material was collected from the South Shetland Islands, Doumer Island, Palmer Land and Avian Island under the framework of Antarctic Scientific Expeditions (ECA) 49, 53, 54 and 58 of the Chilean Antarctic Institute (INACH). Samples from South Orkney Islands and South Georgia were obtained during British Antarctic Survey (BAS) expeditions (2016–2017, 2017– 2018 and 2021). Samples from Kerguelen and Crozet Islands were obtained under the PROTEKER project during the French Polar Institute Paul Emile Victor (IPEV) expedition (2017).
Quality Control Records lacking precise geographic location (coordinates) were assigned georeferences by identification from the description (e.g. bay names, research stations) of the reported collection locality included in the relevant metadata.

Method step description:

  1. The samples were obtained by two methods: 1) manual collection in the intertidal zone were each litorinids were individually sampled and, 2) scuba diving between 1 and 15 m depth, were the substrate (e.g. sediments, macroalgae) were collected. The rocks were subsequently scraped to ensure that all the species and specimens were collected. Also each macroalgal sample was placed in a plastic bag. Geographic positions were recorded using GPS for each sample location. In the laboratory, each sample was gently stirred to detach the associated fauna. All Laevilitorina samples were immediately preserved in ethanol (95%).

Collection Data

Collection Name Coleccion de Laevilitorina del Laboratorio de Genómica y Biología Molecular Antártica y Subantártica
Collection Identifier urn:UACH:LAGEMAS:Inv:Mol
Parent Collection Identifier LAGEMAS
Specimen preservation methods Alcohol
Curatorial Units Between 1 and 2 plastic flask

Bibliographic Citations

  1. Martens E and G Pfeffer. 1886.Die Mollusken von Süd-Georgien nach der Ausbeute der Deutschen Station 1882 83. Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten 3(5), 63-135.
  2. Suter H. 1913. Manual of the New Zealand Mollusca with an atlas of quarto plates. Wellington. xxiii + 1120 pp. [1913] Atlas pls 1-72 [1915]
  3. Powell AWB. 1951. Antarctic and Subantarctic Mollusca: Pelecypoda and Gastropoda. Discovery Reports 26: 47–196.
  4. Powell AWB. 1955. Mollusca of the southern islands of New Zealand. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Cape Expedition Series Bulletin, 15, 1–151, 5 pls.
  5. Dell RK. 1964 Marine Mollusca from Macquarie and Heard Islands. Record Dominion Museum Wellington, 267- 301.
  6. Arnaud P, K Bandel. 1976. Comments on six species of marine Antarctic Littorinacea (Mollusca, Gastropoda). THETYS 8(3): 213-230
  7. Waren A, S Hain. 1996. Description of Zerotulidae fam. Nov. (Littorinoidea), with comments on an Antarctic Littorinid Gastropod. The Veliger 39(4): 277-334.

Additional Metadata


This dataset was created within the framework of the doctoral thesis of the first author and the FONDECYT research project of the principal investigator. This database will serve as a basis for future comprehensive systematic research of the genus, including molecular phylogenetic approaches to infer the regional evolutionary history of Laevilitorina, which is currently being carried out in the Molecular Ecology Laboratory of the University of Chile.

Maintenance Description The data set will be updated irregularly, and in relation to the authors' ability to collect and develop new relevant information.
Alternative Identifiers cd023c5e-8729-41b2-b9df-1419289c0e40